Great toolkit of creative writing tools
Here’s where you’ll find some of the most forward-thinking, tools if you are a fiction writer. The toolbox offered includes books to read, notebooks and notebook apps, writing software, grammar and style guides, and more.
A great list of tools for self-published authors who want to earn more
Writing is amazing. But it can be even more amazing if your books are purchased by readers who love and appreciate your work. This list of tools steps up and helps self-published authors write better, faster, and become more adept at book sales.
This round-up is a one-stop shop for all your writing tools
Not only do you get a comprehensive list of writing tools, this list includes some ‘must have’ tools like plagiarism checkers, writing timers to make sure you get your required writing minutes down every day. There are also tools that help with distraction and keeping you focused. There are also dictation tools, and tools that help you craft your story line.
This article was originally published at